Noah Goldrach

Cataloguer, Books, Autographs & Photographs


Featured Stories

Thomas Jefferson on Toussaint Louverture

Thomas Jefferson on Toussaint Louverture

Edward Ripley-Duggan provides historical context to an important 1802 letter from Thomas Jefferson as President on Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture and the affairs of Saint-Domingue.

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The Prayer Book of Jehan Bernachier

The Prayer Book of Jehan Bernachier

Edward Ripley-Duggan examines a beautifully illuminated French prayer book from the late 15th century: a supreme luxury good in an era deeply steeped in religious devotion.

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"Am I Not a Man and a Brother?"

"Am I Not a Man and a Brother?"

Peter Costanzo discusses The Fred Rotondaro Collection of rare books on Abolitionism, Abraham Lincoln and The Civil Rights Movement.

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Yves Saint Laurent: Original Drawings

Yves Saint Laurent: Original Drawings

Noah Goldrach examines a rare group of original fashion and costume designs spanning the 1950s - 1970s to be offered on December 6.

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From Plymouth Colony to the Salem Witch Trials

From Plymouth Colony to the Salem Witch Trials

Peter Costanzo discusses a collection of fascinating documents relating to the Salem Witch Trials in our upcoming Rare Books auction.

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Speke & Livingstone in Africa

Speke & Livingstone in Africa

Edward Ripley-Duggan chronicles the adventures of two giants of African exploration, referencing fascinating offerings in the Esmond Bradley Martin Collection.

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The Artist and the Book

The Artist and the Book

Edward Ripley-Duggan discusses artists who have worked in the medium of the printed book and highlights noteworthy examples from The Margolis Collection and The Collection of Erica Jong and Ken Burrows.

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The Day the Trading Stopped

The Day the Trading Stopped

Peter Costanzo examines illuminated manuscripts presented to the President of the New York Stock Exchange following its shutdown during World War I.

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