Keyword Search



Fine Art (106)

Photography (97)

Prints and Multiples (37)


Lot 99
Rafael Coronel

Estate / Collection: Estate of Martin Starger

Sold for $3,520
Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 100
Nguyen Tu Nghiem

Estate / Collection: Property from the Estate of Elaine and James D. Wolfensohn

Sold for $8,320
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000

Lot 101
Nguyen Tu Nghiem

Estate / Collection: Property from the Estate of Elaine and James D. Wolfensohn

Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 102
Dang Xuan Hoa

Estate / Collection: Property from the Estate of Elaine and James D. Wolfensohn

Sold for $10,880
Estimated at $5,000 - $7,000

Lot 103
Dang Xuan Hoa

Estate / Collection: Property from the Estate of Elaine and James D. Wolfensohn

Sold for $5,760
Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 104
Vu Cao Dam (1908-2000)

Sold for $1,280
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 105
Fred Fangyu Wang

Estate / Collection: Property from the Estate of Elaine and James D. Wolfensohn

Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 106
Guang Tingbo

Sold for $1,920
Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 107
Guang Tingbo

Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 108
Patrick Procktor (1936-2003)

Sold for $256
Estimated at $400 - $600

Lot 109
Tanaka Ryohei (1933-2019)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Clarice Borio

Sold for $960
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 110
Melita Denaro

Sold for $4,480
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000

Lot 111
Michael Buthe

Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 112
Minas Avetisian

Sold for $12,160
Estimated at $8,000 - $12,000

Lot 113
Eduardo Jonquières

Sold for $640
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 114
James Rizzi (1950-2011)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Art Maven

Sold for $1,024
Estimated at $600 - $800

Lot 115
Anthony Mastromatteo

Sold for $10,880
Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 116
Adam Helms

Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 117
Janis Avotins

Sold for $640
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 118
Robert Garcia

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 119
Robert Brackman

Sold for $2,560
Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 120
Georges Mazilu

Sold for $3,520
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000

Lot 121
Kate Lehman

Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000

Lot 123
Kyle Kyeon Keun No

Sold for $960
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,500

Lot 124
Kyle Kyeong Keun No

Sold for $51
Estimated at $75 - $100

Lot 125
Xu Kuang

Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000

Lot 126
Ben (Benedicto) Reyes Cabrera

Sold for $1,024
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,500

Lot 127
Paul Resika

Estimated at $400 - $600

Lot 128
Paul Resika

Estimated at $400 - $600

Lot 129
Paul Resika

Sold for $256
Estimated at $400 - $600

Lot 130
Lucas Samaras (1936-2024)

Sold for $960
Estimated at $700 - $1,000

Lot 131
Paula Rego (1935-2022)

Sold for $1,536
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 133
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 134
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Sold for $960
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 135
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 136
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 137
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 138
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 139
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 140
Janet Taylor Pickett

Estate / Collection: A Montclair, NJ Private Collection

Sold for $256
Estimated at $400 - $600

Lot 141
David Salle (b. 1952)

Estate / Collection: Property from a Prominent Corporate Collection

Sold for $1,408
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 142
LeRoy Neiman (1921-2012)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Art Maven

Sold for $1,664
Estimated at $500 - $700

Lot 143
LeRoy Neiman (1921-2012)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Dr. Louis and Patricia Lefkowitz

Sold for $2,048
Estimated at $1,200 - $1,800

Lot 144
LeRoy Neiman (1921-2012)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Dr. Louis and Patricia Lefkowitz

Sold for $1,536
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 145
LeRoy Neiman (1921-2012)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Dr. Louis and Patricia Lefkowitz

Sold for $1,408
Estimated at $600 - $800

Lot 146
Hiro Yamagata (b. 1948)

Estate / Collection: Estate of Martin Starger

Sold for $896
Estimated at $600 - $900

Lot 147
Bernice Abbott James Joyce, [1928]

Estate / Collection: Estate of a Key West Gentleman

Estimated at $1,500 - $2,000

Lot 148
Four prints from Abbott's Changing New York

Estate / Collection: Estate of Clarice Borio

Sold for $2,880
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500

Lot 149
Four prints from Abbott's Changing New York

Estate / Collection: Estate of Clarice Borio

Sold for $1,792
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500

Lot 150
Four prints from Abbott's Changing New York

Estate / Collection: Estate of Clarice Borio

Sold for $2,176
Estimated at $2,500 - $3,500

Lot 152
With three cyanotypes by Anna Atkins

Sold for $12,160
Estimated at $4,000 - $6,000

Lot 153
Richard Avedon, the suite of eleven signed portraits from the Avedon/Paris portfolio

Estate / Collection: Estate of Martin Starger

Estimated at $150,000 - $250,000

Lot 154
Richard Barnes, Bakersfield Drive-in, 1986

Estate / Collection: Property from a Prominent Corporate Collection

Sold for $512
Estimated at $500 - $700

Lot 155
Ruth Bernhard Draped Torso with Hands, 1962

Sold for $960
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 156
Ruth Bernhard Knees and Arm, 1976

Sold for $640
Estimated at $500 - $750

Lot 157
Ruth Bernhard In the Waves, 1945

Sold for $3,520
Estimated at $1,500 - $2,500

Lot 158
Ruth Bernhard Rockport Nude, circa 1947

Sold for $640
Estimated at $700 - $1,000

Lot 159
Four works by Alvin Booth

Estate / Collection: Estate of Dr. Houston Brummit

Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 161
Pol Bury Statue de la Liberte N.Y., 1965

Sold for $2,560
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 162
Harry Callahan, Eleanor, Port Huron, 1954

Estate / Collection: The Thomas White Collection

Sold for $1,280
Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000

Lot 163
Harry Callahan, Grasses, Wisconsin, 1958

Estate / Collection: The Thomas White Collection

Sold for $2,176
Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000

Lot 164
Paul Caponigro Woods, Redding, Connecticut, 1968

Estate / Collection: The Thomas White Collection

Sold for $2,560
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 165
Walter Chappell Meta-Flora, 1970s

Sold for $1,280
Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000

Lot 166
Walter Chappell Meta-Flora, 1970s

Sold for $2,560
Estimated at $2,000 - $3,000

Lot 168
Lucien Clergue, Nu zèbré, New York City, 2007

Sold for $5,440
Estimated at $2,000 - $4,000

Lot 169
Alvin Langdon Coburn's pictorialist vision of London

Sold for $2,880
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000

Lot 170
Edward Sherrif Curtis, three photogravures from the North American Indian Portfolio.

Estate / Collection: Estate of Clarice Borio

Estimated at $600 - $800

Lot 171
Wouter Deruytter, Keith Haring, Knokke, Belgium, 1989

Estate / Collection: Estate of Peter Russell Smith

Sold for $512
Estimated at $400 - $500

Lot 172
Jed Devine, Brooklyn Bridge Centennial Celebration, 1983

Estate / Collection: Property from a Prominent Corporate Collection

Sold for $160
Estimated at $200 - $300

Lot 174
Robert Doisneau, Courtoisie et Simca 5, 1945

Sold for $608
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 175
Robert Doisneau, Le Vélo du Printemps, 1948

Sold for $1,088
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 176
Robert Doisneau La Récréation, 1956

Sold for $544
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 179
Robert Doisneau, La Musique du Chambre, Mai, 1957

Sold for $2,048
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 180
Robert Doisneau, Paternité Métallurgique, 1974

Sold for $544
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 181
Robert Doisneau Le Ruban de la Mariée, 1951

Sold for $1,216
Estimated at $800 - $1,200

Lot 182
Jim Dow, Star Vue Theater, US 1, Cleveland, TN, 1973

Estate / Collection: Property from a Prominent Corporate Collection

Sold for $544
Estimated at $400 - $600

Lot 183
John Dugdale, Talismanic China, 1998

Sold for $1,216
Estimated at $700 - $1,000

Lot 184
John Dugdale, The Perfume of Parlours, 2000

Sold for $1,216
Estimated at $700 - $1,000

Lot 185
Alfred Eisenstaedt ,Oil derricks, Kilgore, TX, 1943

Sold for $1,024
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500

Lot 188
Louis Faurer, Penn Station, NYC, 1948

Sold for $960
Estimated at $700 - $1,000

Lot 190
Robert Frank, Bar, Gallup, New Mexico. 1956

Sold for $7,040
Estimated at $10,000 - $15,000

Lot 192
Robert Frank, Detroit (drugstore), 1955

Sold for $5,120
Estimated at $3,000 - $5,000

Lot 193
Robert Frank, South Carolina, 1979

Sold for $5,440
Estimated at $8,000 - $12,000

Lot 194
Leonard Freed, Wall Street, New York-USA, 1956

Sold for $2,048
Estimated at $1,000 - $1,500