STRABO. De Situ Orbis Libri XVII. Amsterdam: Jan Jansson, 1652. Two volumes, period white vellum, hand-lettered spines, yapped edge. 5 1/4 x 2 7/8 inches (13.5 x 7.5 cm); engraved frontispiece, folding engraved map, woodcut title vignette, head- and tail-pieces and initials. Slight soiling to vellum, internally an attractive, clean copy. Viscount Lord Palmerston's copy, with his bookplate; BRACCIO, ALESSANDRO, translator. Historia delle guerre esterne de'romani di Appiano Alessandrino. Prima parte ; tradotta da M. Alessandro Braccio... Venice: Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1559. Two volumes, old vellum, covers with the crowned "P" of the Duke of Portland, leather spine labels and shelf-marks. 5 1/4 x 3 inches (13.5 x 7.5 cm); 64, 317, [1], [24], 228 pp. ; [69], 483, [1] pp. Vellum rather soiled, generally a clean copy internally. Bookplates of William Arthur, Sixth Duke of Portland; OPPIAN. De Venatione Lib. IIII, De piscatu libri V. Leiden: Plantin, 1597. Early vellum, yapp edges, leather spine label. 6 1/8 x 4 inches (15.75 x 10 cm); 44 ff., 376 pp.., 15 ff.; 4 ff., 344, 164 S., 2 ff (inc. errata]. Covers soiled, some toning, and approximately eleven works, mostly classical, printed by Elsevier, Blaeu, Dyckhuysen, and others, all but one in vellum.
Sold for $960
Estimated at $800 - $1,200
Includes Buyer's Premium
STRABO. De Situ Orbis Libri XVII. Amsterdam: Jan Jansson, 1652. Two volumes, period white vellum, hand-lettered spines, yapped edge. 5 1/4 x 2 7/8 inches (13.5 x 7.5 cm); engraved frontispiece, folding engraved map, woodcut title vignette, head- and tail-pieces and initials. Slight soiling to vellum, internally an attractive, clean copy. Viscount Lord Palmerston's copy, with his bookplate; BRACCIO, ALESSANDRO, translator. Historia delle guerre esterne de'romani di Appiano Alessandrino. Prima parte ; tradotta da M. Alessandro Braccio... Venice: Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1559. Two volumes, old vellum, covers with the crowned "P" of the Duke of Portland, leather spine labels and shelf-marks. 5 1/4 x 3 inches (13.5 x 7.5 cm); 64, 317, [1], [24], 228 pp. ; [69], 483, [1] pp. Vellum rather soiled, generally a clean copy internally. Bookplates of William Arthur, Sixth Duke of Portland; OPPIAN. De Venatione Lib. IIII, De piscatu libri V. Leiden: Plantin, 1597. Early vellum, yapp edges, leather spine label. 6 1/8 x 4 inches (15.75 x 10 cm); 44 ff., 376 pp.., 15 ff.; 4 ff., 344, 164 S., 2 ff (inc. errata]. Covers soiled, some toning, and approximately eleven works, mostly classical, printed by Elsevier, Blaeu, Dyckhuysen, and others, all but one in vellum.
Auction: Rare Books, Autographs & Maps, May 1, 2024
NEW YORK, NY -- Competitive bidding at Doyle’s May 1, 2024 auction of Rare Books, Autographs & Maps drove strong prices and a sale total that topped $1.2 million, surpassing expectations.
Featured in the sale was a fascinating selection of early manuscripts that achieved exceptional results. Highlighting the group was a 14th century manuscript of the Rules of St. Augustine from an English priory that soared over its $8,000-12,000 estimate to realize a stunning $102,100. The Rule of St. Augustine is among the earliest of all monastic rules, created about 400, and it was an influence on all that succeeded it. Other notable results included a 14th century Etymologiae of St. Isidore estimated at $5,000-8,000 that achieved $51,200 and a 15th century Prayer Book of Jehan Bernachier estimated at $10,000-15,000 that sold for $28,800.
A first edition of John James Audubon's octavo Birds of America sold for $41,600, far over its $25,000-35,000 estimate. Published in 1840-1844 in seven volumes, the first octavo edition was the final Birds of America publication overseen by Audubon in his lifetime.
The Fred Rotondaro Collection offered rare books and manuscripts on a range of subjects touching the African American experience in the United States over three centuries. A first edition copy of Frederick Douglass’ 1876 speech at the unveiling of the Freedman's Monument in Washington realized $12,800, far exceeding its $3,000-5,000 estimate. A first edition of the first issue of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin from 1852 also achieved $12,800.
Highlighting the range of offerings from the Ken Harte Collection of Natural History was a first edition Richard Bowdler Sharpe’s beautifully illustrated monograph of Kingfishers, 1868-71, that sold for $14,080, doubling its $6,000-8,000 estimate. It was accompanied by an inscribed copy of the rare unfinished chapter on the anatomy of the kingfisher by James Murie.
Consignments are currently being accepted for future auctions. We invite you to contact us for a complimentary auction evaluation. Our Specialists are always available to discuss the sale of a single item or an entire collection.
For information, please contact Peter Costanzo at 212-427-4141 ext 248, Edward Ripley-Duggan at ext 234, or Noah Goldrach at ext 226, or email Books@Doyle.com