May 11, 2023 10:00 EST

Rare Books, Autographs & Maps

  Lot 204


Estate / Collection: The Collection of Erica Jong and Ken Burrows

Approximately 20 works published by the Limited Editions Club.
New York: Limited Editions Club, 1938-1980s. Various bindings. Includes Gunter Grass The Flounder; Stephen Crane Maggie (two copies); Isaac Bashevis Singer The Gentleman from Cracow...; Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman; Franz Kafka Metamorphosis; Siegfried Sassoon Memoirs of an Infantry Officer; and others similar. Condition varies, though generally near fine.

Sold for $1,125
Estimated at $400 - $600

Includes Buyer's Premium


Estate / Collection: The Collection of Erica Jong and Ken Burrows

Approximately 20 works published by the Limited Editions Club.
New York: Limited Editions Club, 1938-1980s. Various bindings. Includes Gunter Grass The Flounder; Stephen Crane Maggie (two copies); Isaac Bashevis Singer The Gentleman from Cracow...; Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman; Franz Kafka Metamorphosis; Siegfried Sassoon Memoirs of an Infantry Officer; and others similar. Condition varies, though generally near fine.

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